The Education and Training Foundation
Current Contract Notices
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Past Contract Notices
Contract Award Notices
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Contract Award Notices
Award of Teaching T Levels in FE courses
Award of technical support for the ETF Learners website
Award of the Middle Leaders (ACE) programme
Award of the CPTE in Digital
Award of the CPTE in Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care
Award of Marketing and Communications Consultancy
Award of TLPD course migration to the LMS
Award of a Transformation Project
Award of Teaching T Levels in FE courses
Award of the Assessment in T Levels in FE courses
Award of Teaching T Levels in FE courses
Award of Assessment in T Levels in FE courses
Award of Assessment in T Levels in FE courses
Award of Teaching T Levels in FE courses
Award of the CPTE in Engineering and Manufacturing
Award of Assessment in T Levels
Award of the CPTE in Health and Science
Award of Hosting the ETF Learners site
Award of the Mental Health Programme (leadership)
Award of Inclusive Leadership - Career Coaching
Award of the Centres for Excellence in SEND Employer Spokes
Award of the Centres for Excellence in SEND Employer Spokes
Award of the Centres for Excellence in SEND Employer Spokes
Award of the Centres for Excellence in SEND Employer Spokes
Award of the Centre for Excellence in SEND Employer Spokes
Award of Centre for Excellence in SEND (theme of careers)
Award of the Centre for Excellence in SEND (theme of people)
Award of the Centre for Excellence in SEND (theme of community)
Award of the Centre for Excellence in SEND (theme of specialism in the mainstream)
Award of the Career Framework Development for the Further Education Sector
Apprenticeship Workforce Development Media Production
Curriculum Leaders and Managers
Understanding T-Levels training delivery
Managed IT and Cyber Security Services
Strategic Digital Partner (Content Management System)
Finance System
Leadership and Governance Programmes 2023-25: Impact Evaluation
CEO Programme
Preparing for CEO programme
Chairs Leadership Programme
Governance Professionals Leadership Programme
Chairs of the Future Programme
Governance Professionals Continuing Support Programme
Research, Impact and Learning Framework
Governance Professionals Coaching Programme
Student Governor training
Student Governors Induction
Regional Governance Programmes
CFO Programme and Finance Leaders and Managers
Senior Leaders Programme
Assignment of Associate
Stepping into Leadership
External review of government and Board performance
Understanding T Level’ courses, networks,T Level Resource Improvement Projects (TRIPS)
Aspiring Senior Leaders
Middle Managers Programme- Leading from the Middle Programme
Strategic Innovation for Skills programme
(CPTE) for the Sales, Marketing and Procurement Route and Marketing T Level
Data Environment
Framework for Excellence in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Leadership, management and governance development: 2022-23 impact evaluation
Strategic Learning Partner (via Learning Management System implementation)
Leadership, management and governance development: 2022-23 process evaluation
Quotation request for consultancy support for the ETF to evaluate the Side By Side Intervention
Mentor training programme impact evaluation 2022-23
Quotation request for consultancy support for the ETF to develop an organisational Theory of Change
Quotation request for developing a Training Needs Analysis Framework at the ETF
Request For Quotation for the middle managers leadership training online course on FutureLearn for g
Graphic Design Framework
Delivery of UTL, Networks and TRIPs AY 22-23
Professional development for mentors and coaches of teachers and trainers Framework
Governance Framework
Leadership Framework
(CPTE) for the T Levels Engineering and Manufacturing route
Governance Professionals Qualification
Leading in the 21st Century – Inclusive Leadership
T Levels Education and Childcare route by providing course design, course governance and course del
T Levels Health and Science route by providing course design, course governance and course delivery
the T Levels Business and Administration route by providing course design, course governance
T Levels Legal, Finance and Accounting route by providing course design, course governance and cours
New to Senior Leadership Programme
Middle managers programme – Land Based
RFQ for Middle managers programme for Adult and Community Learning Providers
Executive Leadership Development Centre
Governance Development Programme
Governance Professionals Development Programme
Talent to Teach
(CPTE) for the T Levels Creative and Design route by providing course design, course governance and
(CPTE) for the Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care route by providing course design, course g
(CPTE) for the Catering and Hospitality route by providing course design, course governance and cour
(CPTE) for the Hair, Beauty and Aesthetics route by providing course design, course governance and c
New FE Provider 'spokes' to the Centres for Excellence in SEND
Quotation Request for The ETF Impact Report 2020-21
College Governance and Leadership workforce development impact evaluation project
Redundancy-to-work in Further Education: feasibility study
Senior Leaders and Governors Strategy Development
Plan and Deliver two FE Sector Leadership Programmes- FE Strategic Leadership & Preparing for CEO Programmes
Match-funded EDI Projects in FE Providers
Market Research into the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Delivery Landscape
Evaluation of Mentoring Training
Lot 1 - Chairs Leadership Prog (CLP) Lot 2- Governance Professionals Development Prog (GPDP)
Curriculum Senior Leaders Programme
OTLA phase 8 – action research for English, ESOL and Essential Digital Skills teachers in the Further Education and Training sector
T Level Professional Development (TLPD) Leadership Residential
Maths and English Online Learning Modules Design and Development
Additional learning support: maths and English in post-16 Education and Training
Sector English Strategy Research
Maths and English CPD programme evaluation
Professional development for mentors and coaches of practitioners in Further Education and Training
Practice Development Groups for teachers and trainers in the Further Education and Training Sector
Deliver a national development programme for middle leaders in the FE Sector 2020
Diversity in Leadership- Implementing a programme to support the diverse workforce into Leadership
Continued Professional Development (CPD) for Advanced Practitioners
Shaping Success: Effective Maths and English CPD for practitioners working in post-16 Education and Training - Strand 3
Shaping Success: Effective Maths and English CPD for practitioners working in post-16 Education and Training
Deliver a national development programme for middle leaders in the FE Sector
Supporting Technical Teachers to prepare for T Level delivery through Regional Knowledge Hubs
Outstanding Teaching, Learning and Assessment Phase 6 - Developing English practice in FE
Associate call-out: T Levels capacity building - Strand 1: Professional Development Advisors
Evaluation of the Outstanding Teaching, Learning and Assessment Programme (OTLA)
Essential Digital Skills Workforce Development Programme
Study Programme Support
T Level Professional Development offer: Organisational Readiness
ETF Regional Specialist Leads for maths and English
Centres for Excellence in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Supporting Technical Teachers to prepare for T Level delivery through Industry Insight Activity
Resources and CPD for practitioners supporting 'New to ESOL learners'
Creation of resources to help ESOL practitioners better meet the early integration needs of refugees
Initial Research to Test the Market for EdTech Teacher Status
Maths teaching materials which support the exploration of British values for teachers and trainers
English Teaching materials to support the exploration of British values for teachers and trainers
Development of interactive online modules: Effectively embedding maths & English in Apprenticeships
Practitioner Evidence and Research Hub - enabling shared learning
Leading Teaching and Learning for Maths and English Middle Managers
Re-tendered T Level support: delivery of subject knowledge and subject teaching training
Evaluation of the Pathways to Further Education Programme
Evaluation of the Professional Exchange Network Programme (PEN)
T Level support strand 3: assessment in T Levels training for technical teachers
T Level support strand 3: delivery of pedagogy training for technical teachers
Career Pathways to FE Teaching - South Area
Career Pathways to FE Teaching - North Area
Career Pathways to FE Teaching - Central Area
T Levels Professional Development offer: Understanding T Levels
Supporting Technical Teachers to embed maths, English and digital skills into teaching
Governance Development Programme
The Further Forces Programme - The Northern Recruitment and Delivery Hub
Chairs Leadership Programme
Outstanding Teaching, Learning and Assessment (OTLA) Phase 5
Functional Skills support for the FE workforce, including the teaching of phonics to adult learners
Design and deliver a national development programme for middle managers in the FE sector
ETF Practitioner Research Programme 2018 - 2020
Managing prison learning in the reformed prison estate
More Pathways to FE
To support the teaching of Functional Skills in maths and English
Digital Skills Enhancement Project – Development of online extension modules
Professional Exchanges 2017
Improving work placement and learner progress in study programmes
Training Needs Analysis
Regional Governance Programme 2017/18
Support and maintenance of the Foundation Online Learning (FOL) environments
Maths and English Pipeline V
Improving outcomes for SEND learners 2017-18
SIR25 Marketing - Delivery
To scope and develop an online toolkit about apprenticeships for employers
Developing DET parts 1 and 2
Identification/recruitment and training of Chairs of Finance Committees
Training for Further Education teacher trainers
Digital Skills Enhancement Programme – Courses and workshops (v2 revised ITT)
Co-design and delivery of a training programme for Chief Financial Officers
Design and Deliver Further Education Executive Leadership Programme
Clerk to Company Secretary: A Development Programme
Develop modules to teach Functional Skills in Maths and English for initial teacher training and CPD
SET for Success
Digital Skills Enhancement Programme - Online modules for personal skills development
OTLA Technical Skills National Programme
Teach Too Phase 3
Supporting practitioners in taking maths and English Level 2 tests
To scope the requirement for a top leader’s programme for Principals and/or Chief Executives in FE
Research to scope support for the sector to implement the Sainsbury Review
Outstanding, Teaching, Learning and Assessment (OTLA) Phase 3 Regional Project
Improving teaching on apprenticeships – pilot and roll-out of CPD
An online programme to develop mentoring skills
Digital Skills Development in Teaching, Learning, and Assessment
Prevent - Online Learning Course and Resources for Learners
Prevent – New and innovative material for the Further Education and training sector
The Further Forces Programme
Developing further modules for the ‘Improving maths and English teaching’ online programme
Improving independent end-point assessment in apprenticeship standards
Study Programmes: Managing Work Experience
Maths and English subject leadership
Maths and English teacher retraining programme
Developing exemplar curricula for revised Functional Skills in Maths and English
E-portfolio based assessment system (EAS)
Professional Exchange #3
Maths and English Pipeline IV: Building expertise to improve outcomes in maths and English
Maintenance and support of the Excellence in Leadership, Management and Governance (ELMAG) portal
Collaborative Practice Training Days
Development Programme for First Line Managers
ELMAG Programme Phase 4
Graduate Development Programme
Support for New Governance 2016
Outstanding, Teaching, Learning and Assessment Phase 2 Regional Project: Transformational Teaching
Event Management Framework
Regional Governance and Trusteeship Programme
Hosting and Data Services Framework
SET Membership enquiries and support services
Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Services for the Staff Individualised Record (SIR)
Foundation Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Booking System
Identify and develop effective practice in initial and diagnostic assessment
Provision of Legal Services
Professional Exchange no2
Regional Specialist Leads to support teachers and trainers in maths, English and SEND
Maths and English Pipeline III: Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for the summer term 2016
Reforming Maths and English Functional Skills Qualifications – Phase One
ELMAG Programme Phase 3
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System Development
Hosting and Management Services for the Staff Individualised Record (SIR)
Future Apprenticeships Support Programme
Professional Exchange
Regional Specialist Leads to support teachers and trainers
Education and Training Foundation Corporate Website Refresh
Study Programme Support: Leadership, Modelling and Operation
Study Programme Support: Work Experience Readiness
Whole Organisation Development Programme in Offender Learning
Study Programme Support: Teacher Development
GCSE capability: Leadership and Governance to support English and maths
Maths Pipeline II Improving teaching and learning in maths for the education and training sector
The English Pipeline: Developing English teaching and learning for the education and training sector
Technical and Development Support Services for the Excellence Gateway
Delivery Management of the In-Service Training Programme for Core Maths (TPCM)
Leading Education and Training in Local Areas
GCSE Capability: New Level 5 Modules for Teacher Education
GCSE capability: Leadership and Governance to support English and maths
Two-way Street Leadership Exchange
Online Modules for maths and English Skills for Sector Staff at Levels 2 and 3
Excellence Gateway Hosting and Management Services
To redevelop the systems and service used to collect the Staff Individualised Record (SIR)
Learning and development for leaders, managers and governors in the education and training sector
Delivery partner for the delivery of the maths Recruitment Incentive Awards Phase 2
Outstanding Teaching Learning and Assessment
The Maths Pipeline: Driving forward improvement in maths teaching and learning
Hosting, support and maintenance of the Foundation Online Learning Environment
Event Management
Managing Agent in delivering the maths graduate recruitment incentive awards
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Improvement Programme
Undertake a Training Needs Analysis for an enhancement programme for maths GCSE (Issue 2)
To provide a managed email distribution service
Supporting the use of learning technologies in the education and training sector
Management Training and Development Programme: Part 2 - Management Training Projects
Exhibition site for the Excellence Gateway
Management Training and Development Programme: Part 1 - Research, Evaluation, Project Management
New front end for the Excellence Gateway
Learning Technology Self-Assessment Tool
Apprenticeship Support Programme
Premium Graduate Initial Teacher Education Recruitment and training collaborative pilots
Strategies to improve the quality of initial teacher education for teachers in FE and skills
Appointment of a Data Partner to Collect the Staff Individualised Record Data (FE Colleges)
Joint practice development - Round 2
Workforce Board Communications Strategy
Research and Development Framework 2014
Strategic consultation English, maths & STEM
Leadership lessons from other sectors – an evidence review
Appointment of Teach Too Delivery Partner
Specification for the development of professional standards for teachers and trainers in England
CPD programme for Skills Competitions
Support for the Development of Higher Level and Specific Teaching and Learning Skills
Practitioner-Led Action Research
Improving Leadership Skills in the Community Learning Sector through piloting three Community Hubs
Leadership Register
Leadership Conversation
Strategies to improve the quality of initial teacher education for teachers in FE and skills
Traineeship Support Programme
Invitation to inform design of apprenticeship support programme
Workforce Survey Consultation
To develop a Corporate Web-presence
Consultation on professional standards for teachers and trainers
Guidance for the use of professional standards for teachers and trainers
Joint practice development
Strategic consultation on VET, technology in teaching and higher level apprenticeships
Strategic consultation on leadership and governance
Strategic consultation on graduate recruitment, equality and diversity and initial teacher education